Our Priests and team of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) take Holy Communion to the sick, elderly and incapacitated of the parish who are unable to attend Mass.

They bring our Lord to those in the local nursing homes, the hospital at Katoomba and those who are home bound. Other parishioners make pastoral visit to these parishioners too.

If you would like to be involved in these apostolates, especially pastoral visits to the nursing homes, where even non-Catholic residents can be lonely and in need of a chat, please contact the parish office, 02 4782 2894.


The Legion of Mary is a lay organisation, lauded by Popes and found in almost every country, giving service to the Church by participating in the life of the parish through visitation of families, the sick, both in their homes and in hospitals and through collaboration in every apostolic and missionary undertaking by the parish such as the catechesis of children.

For further information visit this link.


The Katoomba Conference of the St. Vincent De Paul Society (Vinnies) works to help vulnerable people in our local Blue Mountains community.

For the Society in general, its members and volunteers reach out to the most vulnerable in society through its Conferences, Special Works and Vinnies shops, one of which is on Waratah St., in Katoomba.

For further information visit this link.


Our lovely children’s choir meets once a week during school terms.

MacKillop Kids is a no cost choir group whose aim is to grow in Faith and the love of God in the Catholic tradition and to share this love with others through song, specifically sacred religious hymns.

For further information (especially relevant are sections 37 and 62-63) visit this link.


Special Religious Education (SRE) classes, also known as scripture, take place in our public schools (4 primary schools and 1 high school) each week for half an hour. The catechists/scripture teachers bring the Catholic faith to the students. For many of them, this is the only contact they have to the Church and our parish.

Our catechists are volunteers who are approved, authorised and trained by the local parish and diocese. The catechists have a programme to follow and their students have workbooks. Much support is given to our catechists who are part of a very important apostolate in the parish.

If you wish to volunteer to teach SRE, please contact the parish office, 02 4782 2894.

For further information visit this link.