Bishop of Parramatta recognises student excellence 

Bishop Vincent has recognised and acknowledged 24 students from Catholic schools across the Diocese for their witness to their Catholic faith and outstanding contribution to the school community. (Read More)

Nigerian Catholic men lead cultural Father’s Day celebrations 

This year’s Nigerian Catholic Community (NCC) Father’s Day celebration featured a hive of events with colourful and entertaining acts from fathers in the community who are members of the Catholic Men Organisation (CMO).  (Read More)

Who cares?

True care means sharing in others' sorrows and guiding them with love and understanding. Our faith journey involves learning through mistakes and forgiveness. Presence and encouragement are key, offering hope and support in life’s challenges. (Read More)

Fr Frank Brennan’s Homily: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr Frank Brennan's Homily for the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 8 September 2024 (Read More)

Confirmed at nearly 80: Never too late to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation  

A parishioner in their late 70s was among the 39 Catholics aged 16 and over who made a commitment to be sealed with the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit at a recent Adult Confirmation Mass.  (Read More)